The Sacred Scared Rising
There is something rising in me that is electrified and quite intense. I miss Jim a lot. And, I know he is behind (or inside) much of what is happening around me. I have no proof or data. I have no facts. I have intuition and that doesn’t always provide…
Growing Too Accustomed
This is a letter to Jim as I feel he would get what is being experienced in a lense similar to mine. This is also one of my “muses”. Both, as usual, they are one in the same. This system around us is totally fucked and I have to…
The Simple Things and Talking to Myself (the slightly annoyed part of grief)
Dear Jimi-boy, When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Nature comes to me…not today, though! I am keeping busy so I don’t have to think or feel too much…but, that doesn’t always work… When I find myself doing simple little tasks, well, Jimi comes to me. And,…
Being Like Jimi & Counting
Dear Jimi, You know what? You taught me so much! And, mostly to ignore the “riff raff” of human nature. You really were good at that! You were also pretty sure most of the world (or the characters of this world), were stupid…dumb and pretty clueless. I am…
The Empty Feeling
Dear Jimi, I am keeping myself very busy and doing the things (projects) that I know you smile upon. The study has been restarted again and I am close to graduating (soil food web, microbiology). I know you can see us and what we are doing from the space/place…