The Y With A Sprinkle of Confusion
I don’t get it! I really don’t! What seems obvious and logical is not assimilated the same way by other creatures of the human species. I have a lot of questions. I have a lot of doubts. I have a lot of wondering if anything we do can and will…
Are You Creating?
I am not going to share a photo…yet!!!!!!!!!…but I am in a creation that is part of my experience of healing. It accumulates the past into the future and expresses my now. It includes something Jim created and I recently dismantled. I am reassembling into something new. It was a…
The Train Has Arrived and The Next Stage Begins.
Today, with dirty hands and a determination never known, I am officially welcomed into the next level of Soil Study at Dr Elaine’s Soil Food Web Program. A miracle! I did ask for a scholarship to enter this deeper study but this level of study the school can not…
Mandarins and Red Sorrels
“> Mandarins! Seem to be a focus lately. Harvested a small portion of one tree and multiple more waiting. Distilling the peels in a spent sweet potato mash and collecting a substantial amount of oil. The crazy thing is, the left overs, the hydrosol, is a slight spirit….a mandarin flavor…