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Can I Do It?

Can I Do It?

Can I do it?  Yes I can!  I think!
And I do it because I can!
But, I am sure you don’t understand!
I am sure you don’t get what I do.
And, if you did you would shake your head and tremble.
Tremble because what makes me shakes you.

I challenge!

The day starts with coffee, always. 
It is necessary for the next steps and more  
Day starts early
Nature dictates this natural way
If the Orno birds sing before I wake, it sets me up for the “holy shit” I gotta get going mode.
Unless it has been a restless night,  I usually am up before the screech.
The past two mornings, they woke me
Then the milking but after coffee
Each goat is different and you have to know them.
To KNOW them you have to milk
There is no other way
Or, perhaps there is and I don’t know that way
I talk to each goat differently…and I do know what is their troubles.
You can’t understand this unless you milk them daily
I talk to friends who try to figure out what we are about
And I am not sure we connect
Seekers, though, do understand
But seekers don’t get it

I challenge.
I am open to your opinion and thoughts but ONLY
If you are active!

Then I take temperatures of the composts piles named with loved
Jimi’s pile rests, the cow and horse are in process and might be combined
The double is doing well.
I test and tangle
Then the day starts
A coffee with goats milk…fresh like late
Weed here…weed wack there. 
Waterways are controlled…or watched and observed to open and closed.
That means digging
Pulling thickness of weeds
Breakfast is usually most peoples lunch time.
Coffee is appreciated
And back…at-her again.

Off…I miss Jim

Transplanted new plants..the medines of course
One by one in not so much in rows
 Nature abhors the rows
Today I made the garden entrance to the laboratory
Creeping thyme placed in the placed slate rocks from the local mountains
They were collected yesterday..the rock slates that is.
New garden beds with Jimi’s favourites
Watch the monarch’s fly…they are morphing now
Move the Palm to a place where the local friend said is not good
But I did anyways because I love big challenges.
Cleaned the laboratory and the new windows installed and shelves too
Then decided to clean the office
Did laundry
And folded more
Freshness of the line is best
And, I remembered Jim
Monarchs are fluttering around
Watered green-house medicines
Fed Chickens
Should I shower?
Maybe a bath!
Swept the kitchen and got on my knees to wiped some dirt
Milked again..this time I got more from the old gal whose teets are sore.
You have to talk to her
And be strong and not take NO for an answer.
But she kicks…and you hold the teat strong
I miss Jim
Shared the milk with a friend
Talking to her, the goat, makes a difference.
Made dinner…and it sits in the oven stewing in the heat
Fed the cats and Clara
Looked at the vibrant pink sky.
Sat and had a smoke
And the morning birds screeched again
A glass of wine!
I hear the water…trickling
It is a perfect sound
And, as I sit
I miss Jim
And the sky is amazing
I miss Jim
The strangest thing…
I always feel alone

Not lonely…alone!
With or without Jim
I am alone
Does he get that now?

If he gets me now,  I have no idea
But, if he, they, are in a different place that means so much more
I want to know if he gets me, now!

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