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Most of my life, I have been on a quest to learn, discover and be in harmony with magic. Magic always captivated me. And, due to the matrix of the mind manipulated by the systems around me, I never got too close to Magic. However, I am slowly discovering that Magic can be a clear, honest and simple way to affect and effect change for the better.
Magic, to me, is the mystical arm of our life experience. It is that which we do not nor can not fully understand (yet) and it is a powerful force. At the same time, Magical can be used to create and destroy in this realm of living. For that reason, I have always been careful with the Art of Magic. Creative Magic (referring to magic that is good for ALL) requires we come from a place of integrity and honesty. As a person who is learning the shadow side of my inner being, I have always been very careful with Magic sometimes choosing to “put away” or “put down” oracle tools.
This withdrawal at different times in my life has been a muse for me. In a sense, it troubled me as I never quite felt “ready” or “worthy”. In recent times I have been deeply feeling a call to enter the mystics of magic once again. We have so many “stories” around magic programmed from our world of systems (religion, politics, health care, education). I feel the New Age Movement and the movement that ignores we are in a dual world has hampered my journey in this regard too.
Recently, I came across a discernment on the Art of Magic that rang so true for me and has inspired me towards a deeper awareness. This is from www.montalk.net. Now, the time is ready for me to be in magic….
So here are the facts of magic as I understand them:
1) Your deepest beliefs, mindset, root assumptions are directly reflected in your external circumstances through a sub-quantum mechanism. By changing these, you can change what probable futures you enter. Therefore your subconscious is the gateway to tuning your reality. This is the foundation of magic.
2) Probability is also affected by etheric energy fields, because these fields are sub-quantum in nature, sort of like the HTML code beneath a web page. By changing the code, you can change what’s displayed on the page. There are different access levels, from a mere user who changes it by entering text on a comment form, to the designer who can rearrange layout, text, graphics, etc. to the system admin who could completely wipe the operating system if he desired. Likewise, etheric/astral energy that underlies reality has different levels/frequencies to it, and our soul/spirit composition determines how much access we have.
3) Thoughtforms / egregores / tulpas can be created, which function as executables or autonomous constructs in the ether/astral field, that are programmed to carry out tasks. They are artificially intelligent, and are like holographic fragments of the thought / mindset / energy you projected forth in creating them. They can serve you, but they are fundamentally parasitic in nature and will induce in you more of the same behaviors/energies that gave rise to them, thus they can grow out of control and suck you dry if you’re not careful. These things are not necessary to accomplish magical feats, they are just a nonphysical type of technology created with your mind and emotions. #1 above is a deeper level of reality manipulation than this; but some magicians like creating and using thoughtforms; we create them inadvertently every day, and they are the metaphysical component behind addictions and obsessions.
4) The subconscious is a gateway to a higher part of our being, called the higher mind and the higher Self. This is the spiritual supercomputer or satellite that we’re connected to, or that we’re lower projections/probes of. The subconscious is used to communicate with it. It is the seat of power behind the reality tuning/manipulation. However, there is question as to how sentient it is, whether it’s an obedient servant, or the wise master who goes ahead and lets you implement your desire because if you desired wrongly then it’ll bite you in the ass and teach you not to be so stupid next time. Either way, it has a mind of its own (which is the true part of your mind anyway, the part of you that knows better) and sometimes it approves the directives you give it, and sometimes it does not.
5) There is a divine framework and metaphysical law of action and reaction, of ethics and consequences for violation. When you go against it, you rack up a kind of karmic credit card bill, meaning you can “buy anything you want” for now without consequence but the price will be heavy in the end. This is what black magicians do. They bypass what’s right and just, and use illicit means like employing demons or hacking people’s souls/minds (to manipulate their freewill) to get what they selfishly desire. They may have success in the short run, but it’ll weaken their spirits/souls and make them increasingly susceptible to demonic manipulation and possession. When they die, they’ll have a hard time getting away from these demons who come to collect their dues.
6) Purity of intent, correctness of belief (that is, not subscribing to actually fallacious and illusory limitations), and love / empathy / joy are the most powerful forms of magic. They are not used to manipulate, but rather to attune yourself with your own destiny / divine framework, which intelligently optimizes life for maximum happiness and success. It creates synchronicities and miracles. Having a darkened / wounded soul and using black magic to get what you want is sort of like stepping hard on the gas while having the emergency brake one and one wheel missing; it goes against yourself. If you had no resistance, even the slightest push would get you rolling. But to reduce resistance, you have to let go of your bitterness, depression, sourness, jadedness, and egomania and relax into a more easygoing, optimistic, warmhearted and good willed mindset. That’s returning to your true nature.
7) There are higher beings above us, positive beings, who are wise and have great foresight; you could call them angels or guardians. They monitor our activities and when fully justified intervene to prevent certain things from happening, or in helping you out in times when you need it (according to their view); if you were to use remote viewing to try and win the 150 million dollar lottery, it is they who would prevent it if not meant to be. Because of this, magic isn’t something where with a given technique/power you can manipulate the whole world and put elementals at your command and do whatever you want, as if you were king solely by your own decree; rather, what you do must be within acceptable ethical and destiny/karma based guidelines. You have to be mindful of what’s right, balanced, and good for the most in the longest term; that’s the only correct way to use magic. Incorrect way will result in loss of protection from these beings, and increasing susceptibility to the aforementioned demonic forces who are like the wolves that prey on the weak (the spiritually weak in this case).
8) Rituals and sigils, some are complete nonsense and only good as mnemonic triggers to send a particular message to your subconscious. Some are mere token “signing on the dotted line” that you announce to the demonic world telling them you want this in exchange for giving up some of your freewill and soul energy to them (it’s a way of legally giving away your protection / freewill, hence why demons will chomp at the bit to fulfill your desires there, you know like those musicians who said they sold their soul to the devil and then got rich and famous). Some rituals are means of manipulating the etheric / astral and are thus a form of technology. Regardless, rituals you don’t actually understand, or have some superstitious belief in, make you no different from primitive tribesmen or catholic priests; personally I don’t think rituals and sigils are necessary, at least not the complicated ones.
So long as you intend from the heart and are firm, you don’t need the purple table cloth and dagger and other bullshit. Exceptions are technologies like incense, which can directly affect the etheric ambiance of a room and make it harder for a ghost or demon to inhabit the area; that’s not ritual, that’s an etheric science. But tracing a pentagram in the air and chanting the banishing ritual, that’s not necessary because that’s just a more complicated way of expressing intent, which you can do without the arm waving. Same goes for healing; you can do complicated rituals, or you can just lay hands and up your vibes and thereby allow the higher positive force to do its thing.
The view that the ‘muggles’ can and should be manipulated with magic, that’s a black / negative path approach. Fact is, with proper use of magic, you don’t intend to manipulate anyone; however, synchronicity / higher hand will indeed manipulate people (either by inspiring them, or it just happens accidentally) to help you out. And it won’t come at their expense. Not like you intend for money and the higher force kills your spouse and now you get life insurance payments. I mean more like someone feels inspired and out of the goodness of their heart helps you out, and they feel good for it and might receive a blessing in a synchronistic way as well. Win/win for everyone. The demonic / black / negative path is conservative (like energy and momentum) where you either break even or lose some in the end; every winner comes at the cost of a loser somewhere. Meanwhile, the positive / divine / white path is free energy, win/win for everyone (and if anyone does suffer it’s more a correction mechanism for transgressions they have done, with benevolent intent for their remediation). In any case, I don’t think you should ever manipulate anyone directly and specifically, except to wish them well and bless them into having their spirit, mind, and body strengthened and that they have greater clarity and happiness; that respects their freewill.
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