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The Updates of the Medical Journey December 29, 2020 to January 25, 2021

The Updates of the Medical Journey December 29, 2020 to January 25, 2021

9Here are the written updates posted on the Fundraiser.  They tell the story of Jimi’s travels in the last couple of months of his life.

Here is the Fundraiser Sharing on the front page:

(Amendment Jimi Passed Away on January 25th.   I will continue to hold and nourish his dream, our dream in the Purple Carrot Club and the working on our land.  I know he smiles upon us and his suffering is over with the ugly and evil Cancer – please see posts/updates below)

(Amendment Jan 21, 21.  We are now out of the allopathic world and into the natural healing protocols.  I am 100% working on Jimi’s healing with some strong natural methods.   The pathology of the tumor has given us a rare and aggressive prognosis (please see update posts).    We are now full on natural protocols..and strangely, there are no allopathic recommendations for this type of cancer (no chemo, radiation, etc..   So, we continue to ask for prayers, support, help!   The times and moments right now are potent with possibility)

Any who has met Jim Royer knows what a great man he is. Hardworking, loyal to a fault, willing to give you the shirt off his back.  Jim has been struggling with his health for some time.

On Dec 29, 2020 he was admitted into San Augustine (private hospital) in Loja, Ecuador.   He was close to death and the kidneys were into acute failure.   Xrays show masses in the prostate and bladder.   He endured 6 dialysis treatments to reboot the kidneys before surgery could be entertain.   Surgery was relatively successful..they removed 80% of three tumors the size of Avocados.  The updates (below) show the current status.

If you have been touched in your life by either Jim or Leisha, you understand what amazing and generous people they are.

How we got to this private hospital to save Jim’s life:

Leisha (Naja) Giddings (Naja is her grandmother name) initially took Jim to the free hospital (Isidro).  Jim was in critical condition, delirious and in & out of consciousness. He was given a two hour wait time bracelet (green – normal) just to be signed in at administration!   Leisha knew if she did’t get him immediate help, he would not make it and put him in a taxi to Clinca San Augustin (known for its’ excellent care) in Loja, Ecuador.   

Immediately upon entering San Augustine, the staff and doctors were at Jim’s service, doing tests and assessing his situation and stabilizing his condition.   Initially, he was scheduled for removal of the Tumor (the thought was 1lb) in the prostate.  However, the next day,  the kidneys stopped functioning (acute).  Dialysis was required as the kidneys need to be functioning before any operation.   The Tumor is very aggressive and growing daily.   The surgery commenced on Jan 5th and the surgeons found three tumors.    The renal tubes needed to be cut and re attached.  This requires laser surgery and this hospital has recently required the state of art machine to do this work.  If we were at the public hospital, there is a 99% chance Jim would need dialysis the rest of his life.  

Jim and Leisha are very deeply moved by how much love and support is bursting through this difficult experience.   Jim feels he still has work to do in this world and on his land…especially for his little Grand-daughter Kaya…whom he loves so much!  

This page will show up dates of Jimi’s progress and the details of the care he is receiving.    

DONATIONS:   The donations are being deposited into a US paypal account that will be transferred to an Ecuadorian Bank Account (US Dollars) and used to pay for Jimi’s care and hospital bill.    

Estimates for total (see update below):

  • $8000 For primary surgery (as quoted by doctors)
  • $2000 Dialysis (kidneys are in acute failure)
  • $3000 Medication, food, hospital stay (see note below)
  • $2500 for aftercare, tests, medications

(Added Jan 1st: Our current bill (today) is $2980.00 from Clinca San Augustin, Loja. This includes the 4 nights at the hospital at this date, the examinations, tests, ultrasounds, hospital say and the 3 dialysis treatments ($1100). One more dialysis today is not included. Surgery was quoted at $4000 and we have another 5 days stay at least. So, we expect another $7-8000 to pay the hospital bill – this is detailed below in the updates)

These times are hard for most of us, but please consider giving a contribution to them in this dire time of need. It all adds up. (The platform chargers a 2.9% PayPal transfer fee)

For those in our local area, there are donation envelopes at the juice factory and the French bakery. To our Canadian family and friends, if you wish to donate to a Canadian account, Leisha has a personal Canadian Paypal: leishanaja @

Here are the updates shared along the ways

February 11, 2021

A hard sharing…from my heart.

Many now know that Jimi passed away on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.  He fought until the end.  I do not feel he wanted to go at all.  The cancer won.

It wasn’t an easy death to witness and my heart is broken for many reasons..but I will walk the path of grief and create something positive and helpful from this experience, I promise you that.

The pathology report indicating the type of cancer was received only on Jan 21.   I wish we had of known earlier.   Jimi also went into Sepsis at the end.   His body just couldn’t handle it anymore.

I want you all to know how much you touched Jimi with your support, care and love.  He was deeply moved and felt very loved.    I know this energy was carried with him to the other side.    I also want you to know that I am continuing to create and grow the seeds of the Purple Carrot Club and you are all invited to be a part of it.    I will make one more final, future post giving about this soon…when the foundation is more intact.    In this website (club)  I will detail the protocols for cancer as open source; I will be blogging of the continuing creation of our common dream on the land and I intend on doing more writing expressing support, possible guidance and advice to anyone who has to walk a similar path.    I create this for Jimi, with him and through him.

Both Jimi and I held little Kaya at the center and recipient of our common dream…and so this will continued for her (although she has been taken away from us). Jimi would want me to hold and nurture this space for her….and I will do this…dedicate myself to this.  She will return one day!


January 31, 2021

Maybe I am grasping at straws but somehow…maybe…. I am not!  I am not!

We are in the hospital again..came in Saturday evening!   There was a block in Jim’s bladder that caused us some concern..and we didn’t want to attend the “private” hospital due to the consideration we could receive the same care public regardless.  It is hard to make these decisions…but you have too!  What is the best under the circumstances! 

There have been way to many experiences lately that start out as dire and destructive and they seem to have a flip to a blessing inside them!
Even with his latest hospital visits, my suggestions to the doctors (who refused to carry through with my recommendation) proved to be the final solution. Okay I get it….I am a blond (grey) gringo..and telling the doctors what they should do is not done often.   I even went out and purchased the needs. But, they didn’t do it! This morning (40 hours later), the specialist did the exact thing I suggested.  Ugh!  Patience!
Today, I was banned from visiting Jimi and told the reason was the “pan-dem-icky”. Yet the patients beside and around us had visitors! I know to be kind and have compassion for others who are cold and nasty…but this rocked my core. I asked for the doctor’s full names and the name of the hospital administrator. I told them they were out of bounds and I was going to raise a ruckus. They happily let me back in. Man, this has been an experience!
We discovered after being admitted to ER, Jim has been in full sepsis (systemic infection).  While this appears another slap of bad news, we wouldn’t have know if we didn’t come.   And, maybe there is some possible good news with the sepsis…been thinking about it all day! Maybe, again, this is me “grasping”…but read this….Immunotherapy for cancer is all the rage right now, This was discovered by a doctor, William B. Coley in 1891 when he noticed that some of his patients went into spontaneous remission after developing erysipelas (a bacterial infection). Maybe this is what Jim has?  The immune system markers are what identifies “sepsis”..they do not look at the blood under a microscope to determine this.   Dr Coley recreated the โ€œimmuneโ€ response created by the infection by injecting patients with live and dead versions of the Streptococcus bacteria (a vaccination used in the proper way).   He achieved responses such as complete remission in several types of cancer. Maybe, maybe, maybe Jim’s sepsis is a blessing in disguise? I might be grasping at straws…but something is telling me to hold tight and wait for the blessing!

As we have been in the experience, I have been going through the best ntural choices for Jim’s recovery,    And, in this process, I have learned some very interesting things. I’ve have also connected with some very powerful and educated people lately some of whom are on hit lists for their mission and success in proving Cancer can be cured. I’ve been intensely researching and gathering deeper strands of knowledge.  And, I have watched the allopathic doctors and I have learned from them too (if Jim blocks again, I know what to do).   We both want to get on with it and prove the whole cancer thing can be beaten!   So, jim is under observation…and this is exactly where he should be right now.  He is weak but stable.   This disease sucks!   With every ounce of my being, please God give me the hands, mind and stamina to beat this…to get Jimi back..healthy and prove to this world it can be done.  I promise in doing so, I will open source everything we/I have learned.   I promise it will be for good!   It may sound like I am making a deal with God…but it seems to me that God is making a deal with me.

What are we learning!   Friends and family are important..and sometimes family is those friends who deeply care and have your back.   We are learning that our systems suck…specialists are not Gods…we have our own inner power and strength.  We are learning to accept the what is…change what we can and let go of that which is stuck!   We are learning that ever time we have given and shared, it is coming back at us with a force that multiplies our giving.   We are learning that prayers work.  We are learning to discard that which is evil, dark and nasty and stay focussed on the good.  We are learning treatments have been suppressed and people have given up a lot of their selves to prove this to the world and people.  

We are learning we are love!

We are still in need of support…and we promise to pay it forward..regardless of the outcome we have!

I share this because you shared with us!   We are not little universes unto ourselves.   We need each other!   We can’t do it alone..and that means both life and death!  I share this because it is important.  I share this because what we are experiencing has been and is being experienced by so many others.   We need to purge this…get it out and stop being alone!

Love Leisha and the much loved Jimi!
January 25th, 2021

Sometimes in the journey of health and healing the sharing is not that easy!   This is one of those times.   

We just received the pathology report from the hospital on the tumors removed during surgery.   If you remember, they were not able to get all the tumors (80% only).   So, we know there is still some left inside the bladder.

The pathology confirmed a malignant cancer.   Of course, Jimi has to have the rarest of the rare cancers.  It is in his nature and Spirit as a very unique and special guy. 

The name given to this cancer is carcinoma sarcomatiod or Sarcomatoid carcinoma (mixture of two types of cancers).    From what I have read, they do not know why these two cancer types mix and morph into one…but they have!

As shared, it is very rare and an aggressive malignancy containing both mesenchymal and epithelial components.  Again, Jimi has to have it all!   And, this is a testimony to his amazing character.

In the allopathic world, there seems to be no treatment recommendations as there are not enough studies and each person has a different response.  It is not predictable.  Therefore, there is not a lot of information.

So, full on…full steam ahead. Yesterday we started the IV vitamin C which I will administer daily.  The juicing will continue in large quantities.  The Essiac formula in being increased.   Jim is breathing Brown’s gas multiple times a day.   His diet is a mix of Budwig and Gersons (although he is not able to eat much).   I have ordered some very special anti-cancer remedies that contain plants from the Amazon jungles.    He is drinking many different healing teas.  We are keeping him comfortable and his Spirits high.   He smiles alot!

I will be blogging the whole protocol on the new Purple Carrot Club site very, very soon.    I am optimistic now…strange as that sounds.  We are out of the pharmaceutical world and into the journey of natural healing.  While it has its’ place, it also stripes us (me) of our power.   I am grateful for the allopathic knowledge…. I am taking Jim off all meds except what he wants for pain.   I am gathering all the ingredients and we are going full speed ahead.   This IS who we are!

Fuck anyone who says “can’t do it”…we can!   And, I want this journey to help others regardless of the outcome!    There is so much fear and worry around us right now in this world.   We are losing our ability to understand our rights and our strength and courage to stay connected to nature and source.   Life, and death, should be beautiful.    

Everyone who has contributed will be part of the Purple Carrot Club and soon I will migrate the posts to this site and continue the sharing there.    We are still asking for support and help and I will detail the reasons why (costs) of the therapies we are using soon.    Right now the priority is getting all the ingredients in place and getting into a flow.    Jimi and I are tight…never felt so much love between us!   I would give my life for him…and he me!    We have learned what it means to love…and that is not a noun…it is a VERB!

Much love to everyone!   Hold space…my heart says “we got this”.

January 24th, 2021


Soon you will all become part of the Purple Carrot Club.   We have purchased a large qty of Vitamin C and tomorrow I will be trained in the art.   Trained for it many years ago…but never used it.    Jim is doing 2-3 green juices a day with many plants from the garden and local.   He is eating…hungry..small amounts.   We are both tired.   Due to the different hospital visits and doctor consults, we are loaded down with pharmas…and, I am quite confused and out of my “knowledge”.  So, I have sent a request to another local doctor to meet.  I will lay out all the meds and say “wtf?” what do I do!   We want this emergency protocol OVER so we can start the natural way.

We are still seeking the real work now begins.  I desire to be present to Jim…his legs, arms, hands and helper.   Today he did have a bath..first run in the new tub.  But it wasn’t so easy or relaxing.   His open wound had to be taped shut.  He had a hard time getting in…relaxing. I didn’t know what to do…just as he told me..but we were clumsy and not sure.  It is all a new experience.   We are quite the pair …. we are!  But we are deeply in love..and doing this together. That is what counts!

I also want to share that some local children came for a visit.   They had saved their earned money and are being taught about “giving back”.  They made cards for Jim and offered their assistance…each one individually.  It warms my heart.  These kids are learning about giving…and you know what…I was too!  It is somewhat a lost art today…so, this warmed my heart so much..Jimi’s too.   

The beauty is those who give and the one’s who receive.  That is a “be happy attitude” (Beatitude)   A deep journey or understanding the laws of nature and God around us.

Lots of warmth and love!

January 21, 2021

Sorry I haven’t been updating.  Life has been very, very busy!

I am sad to share that we, once again, had to go to the hospital today.   We chose to go to the Vilcabamba Hospital as it was an emergency.    Yesterday, the Surgeon on Jim’s operation came to our house to check on Jim and he decided to remove the stitches and catheter.  Jim has had this catheter for 4 months.

Jim seemed fine, a little uncomfortable, but okay.  And, as the day past, he was not having the urge to urinate.   As it turns out, there was an infection in the bladder (at the incision).    His bladder was filling with urine and he was not getting an urge to pee.    Eventually it popped and came out this incision hole.    

A new catheter has been inserted and we are now home letting Mother Nature heal the wound.   I will be like a nurse cleaning the site regularly.    

Jim is happy to be home!
Me too!

We also have almost finished preparing Jim’s room for his healing.  The bath tub is in and the room ready for a cozy touch.  Unfortunately, Jim can not bath for a little while.    (I think I will enjoy it when I can, though).    

So, we continue with the emergency protocol (pharma drugs) for now.  Jim is having many green, herbal juices and foods (such as soups, bone broths, liver pates) to build his strength.   I made chocolate balls with slippery elm, Mullein and Ashwagandha..the chocolate (actually pure cacao) hides the medicine just nicely and becomes a “medicine transfer agent” and powerful antioxidant.    We can’t go too deep into the natural protocols as they can contraindicate the emergency medications.  One step at a time!

With much gratitude and love for everyone
Leisha y Jim

January 16th, 2021

Jimi is happy!  Me too!

His physical is still low..but his fighting Spirit is showing!
There is still pain and discomfort but he is ready to start anew and do all he can to be healthy and happy.   

We have started the healing protocols but his body, mind and Spirit time to adjust.    Friends donated a juicer which is getting a great work out.   Jim is taking many herbs and supplements and I will increase doses as the days progress.    We are both much happier being home, but it is a lot of hard work.  

Today, some friends are helping us improve Jim’s room.   Bob was been working night and day to put in a bathtub.  Part of Jim’s therapy will be the Dr Sircus Mineral baths.  Besides, Jimi loves his baths. Usually Jim is the “do it” guy and often prefers to do things on his own and his way.   This is time for him to let others do for him.  That is difficult for those who are “get r’ doners”.  But, we are always learning, growing and expanding. 

Today we are taping and mudding the walls and everything will get a clean coat of paint.   I might start the painting tonight.  Tomorrow the tub will be inserted and the tiles layed.   I will be painting the floor…making it look like wooden planks.  One day real soon he will have his own amazing space.

The head surgeon is coming to visit us at the land on Saturday.  He will assess the catheter and where it is good to remove.  If so, it will be amazing to see Jim stand and pee (been 4 months).   Yes, we are honored to have him come..I think he is intrigued by who we are and what we are doing.   I am looking forward to showing him my Apothecary! ๐Ÿ™‚

So, once again, thank you!    I am up with the birds and fall hard at the end of the day…but I am grateful and happy and somehow finding the strength each moment (with grace)  It is all perfect!

The Purple Carrot Club is being built!
You will all be invited to be a part of it.   This space will record and share the healing journey, the ups and downs and failures and successes.   It will also be the home to the garden cooperative and a space to share the secrets of magic of Purple Carrots.

With sincere love and thank you for everyone’s help!   
Leisha y Jim

January 10th, 2021

Darling!   Stand by me!

We are home!  Jim is comfortable.  I was hoping he would sleep peacefully for the night but that wasn’t happening.   He was up and down!   This is hard!  Jim is happy to be home but still in suffering.

So, today is the day to get the scene set at home!   There is much to do and lay out.   I am on it!     First priority is to keep him comfortable.   Second, get the flow of protocols moving as easy and logical as possible.  Thirds, my gardens!  The weeds are happy.

The final hospital bill was $12,300.00.    I was literally trembling paying the final … knowing this has saved Jim’s life but this was shock to my whole system.   I do not want Jim to feel this strain!

The outside expenses (ie. 4 pints of blood, medications, supplies, Jim’s outside needs, my needs for two weeks at the hospital) were over $2000.00. his does include some things required for the natural protocols that we begin today. I am expecting the costs to start the protocols at home will be $1000 and we are installing a bath tub in Jim’s room too ($1000) for this protocol purpose.  The cost to cover help on the land while we were gone was $250.  And, the real work to bring Jimi has just begun!  Most will be gift from the land…that we stand upon!  Stand by me!

So, our needs grow financially…but I have faith.  Not sure whether to increase the amount or to leave and just trust it will all be good?   I have received some loans (not gifts) that are helping with all this.   

I want, so desperately, Jim back!    I understand it is in God’s hands.   I feel God is asking me to step up…as no matter what happens, my best is good enough.  I continue to ask for help…which is hard for me (and Jim) as we are so independent and self sufficient.    We both feel more comfortable in the giving mode.  While hard, this is the most powerful experiences ever…and I know it is perfect. Sometimes I don’t feel like I can do it anymore…and then I can.   I realize deeply Jimi must want to LOVE and LIVE.   I know one of his deep loves is Kaya!  We both want her to know how much we love her!

And, I am grateful!   Stand By Me…I won’t be afraid! 


January 7th, 2021

Writing early today as we are hoping to be on the road home…and into the next stage of healing.

Jimi is doing fine.  He is weak and tired..but is in good Spirits.   We know it is going to take a lot of work, effort and time to apply all we can to help him heal.

One thing that was born from this experience was The Purple Carrot Club. The Purple Carrot Club was seeded when Jimi came out of surgery ~ he as very passionate about growing purple carrots for their healing energies ~ and this really felt like one of those HUGE moments of synchronicity and messages from the Spirit of life.

So, I have created it…and as I plant the seeds in the earth, I am planting seeds for our future too.  This online club will be the center of communications about our journey…both on the land and with Jimi’s healing.   It will be where we will share the ups and downs, the protocols, the healing herbs, the successes and failures.   The Purple Carrot Club will also be home to share about the healing of the land via the Soil Food Web (a course I am currently taking under a scholarship that has possibilities to TRANSFORM our land and lands all over ( 

We now have been given the opportunity now to heal Jimi, alongside healing the land.  It is parallel journey.   I will be looking and reviewing Jimi’s live and dried blood and doing the urinalysis regularly and sharing this with you too.  I hope it becomes a site of education and interest that covers it all.

I will announce the website…it is in formation!   Soon!

For everyone who has helped, supported and prayed…I will be inviting you to the Purple Carrot Club…so you can stay in contact and witness the process of healing and acceptance whatever may happen in the future.   

THANK YOU again! 

January 6th, 2021

At first light this morning, Jimi begged me to get him home!  It really is heart breaking!  His words tugged at my I get it!  Home, sweet home!  And,  I desire he is safe and without too much risk leaving this hospital setting. But hesitantly conceded as I saw that look in his beautiful blue eyes!  Please!  Please!  Please!   Two weeks ago, when I was begging him to go to hospital emergency (to save his life) I made him a promise that I would get him out if this was his hearts desire.   

So, I went looking for a doctor!  It is Sunday…our medical team is not here today.   I go to the front desk, the office staff are not working today.   

So, we are stuck today!   Which is probably good!   

But, we did have a visit from one of primary surgeons…and he gave the green light!  Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, we are only a day away!   We are grateful!  No matter our situation, showing gratitude for our privileges and the gift of love coming at us… it really is a fast-acting, and long-lasting spiritual prescription that does help.   Thank for you administering this medicine towards us.   Miracles happen when we believe!   

Much Love!

January 6th, 2021

I really do wish I can present an update sharing good news…
I can share I hold buckets of hope…but time is ticking and we trying to fill the gas tanks.

Jim was adamant to leave the hospital this morning.   We are on day 12 and it is getting very, very hard for both of us. I don’t blame him.  I desired to support him and his choice, but, after some thought,  I couldn’t.  It was hard.   He is still high risk…and needing some emergency care.   Doctors are saying a few more days. There has been a slight increase in edema (indicating the kidneys are not 100%) and clots in his urine.   They are worried about the sites in his bladder that were “sewed” …they are tender and could open or the blood clots could coagulate.  This would be a disaster.

So, we muster as much patience as we can…one tiny step at a time!

The current hospital bill is now over $11,000.   We can cover it due to this campaign and we are super grateful.   Jim is still here because of this.   However, we still have a few days to go…and I am forming in my head the needs on the other side..the care, the protocols, the products and costs.   I am able to make an income to support us…but Jim needs 24/7 care and attention if we are going to beat/overcome this.   So, my virgo brains is entering “what now and how?”   All Jim knows is that all is good..this is not his worry at this time.

So, I am asking everyone to please share this campaign with others…people who may know Jim or may want to help.   I do intend on blogging the experience of the aftercare fully…detailing the protocols, the recipes, the progress.  I am hoping this will help someone else one day.  My nick name was zoom zoom for many years as I can accomplish a lot..but I am getting tired…am tired…too!

Many thanks

January 5th, 2021

First, I can’t believe the date!!!   Time is moving slowing and hurrying along!   I am hoping we can leave the hospital tomorrow but we still have a little way to go.   We really want to go home!

Unfortunately, we had some heavy news yesterday.  But, first the good news.  Jim’s Kidneys are functioning well and getting better daily.   He is receiving excellent care and his vitals are stabilizing.

However, the pathology examinations have indicated the removed tumors were a Sarcoma Cancer.   Deemed a ” forgotten cancer ” because of its rarity, sarcomas are cancers that start in bone, muscle, connective tissue, blood vessels or fat, and can be found anywhere in the body.   Jim did have an xray of his lungs as it was suspected there might be some sarcoma activity.  It came back negative thank goodness.   But, they doctors suspect he has was is called a high load…fast growing and aggressive.  

We were also told that they did not remove all the tumors due to what I will call its’ tentacles into the tissues….too dangerous to remove.   This was some more disappointing news and, at first, it came as a terrible shock to Jim and I.   It sometimes feels like we are being slammed and spun around and shocked up over and over.   But, that feeling settles!  You can either resign or get back up and carry on and walk forward with gratitude.

The doctors are recommending Chemotherapy as we fully expected. The full pathology report will be available in 3 days (name of the particular sarcoma) so they will advise their cocktail then.    While they tell us that chemo treatments have much improved, Jim and I both are hesitant knowing that the first side-effect of chemo is cancer.  

No decision will be made now.  We are both too tender.   We will gather all information and be wise.   Ultimately, the decision is Jimi’s and I will support it 100% regardless of my own views.    I have offered my view…and I am willing to be his full on service health, healing provider and treat this naturally…with Essiac, Brown’s Gas, Medical Ozone, Mineral Therapy, Black Salve, Budwig and Gerson Therapy.  We can do it all right in our home.   I know how to do this!  I know the work and dedication required.  It isn’t easy!  But, I have seen it work!   

I love him so much!  We both want to go home!

Due to the nature of this new finding…and the situation it leaves us in to continue to ask for support.  I am sorry this isn’t good news.  But, as always, there are blessings even in the darkness and we can rise above this.   I am considering blogging the journey…at least my experience…and recording the efforts we are making..what is working and what is not.   It may be useful for others one day!

I know God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle…and even if you can not see it in the moment, He is always at work and teaching us…initiating be stronger, better, more loving human kind.    

As we have been walking this difficult walk, different songs have been playing in my head..songs that have connected to the moment we are in.  Today, It is a song by Mishka…Above The Bones

I am in great, deep gratitude for everyone’s support!   Let us all rise above the bones!

(When Jim and I celebrate our partnership in union, this will be our theme song …that might be happening soon! )

It is Jimi’s choice..and he is waiting until he has all the information. I will support him 100% whatever he chooses. He know what my opinion is…and I truly believe we have to respect the person inside this experience…even if he doesn’t want to do anything. It is tough choice. I am considering blogging the journey…sharing the experience…sharing the recipes, protocols, ups and downs. ๐Ÿ™‚
January 4th, 2021

Hi Again…. today’s update!

Jimi is doing well.  He is in pain, but that is expected.   They are flushing and flushing and flushing his system and the amount going in is being expelled….that is good news – things are working.   His vitals are good but some of the blood test markers need improvement.   

We were informed last night that the Jimi’s operation included state of the art laser surgery that allowed them to reattach the renal tubes once the tumors were removed.    Without this equipment there was a very high change Jimi would need dialysis for the rest of his life.    I am grateful we made the decisions we did as this medical team and equipment would not have been available at the public hospital.    Another piece of gratitude for the way things happened.   They also recorded (video)  Jim’s surgery that we have asked to see (maybe they will even give us a copy…if we are lucky…and that would be super cool).  I assume this video will be used as a teaching tool now!   It will benefit students learning this art.

The surgeons are super cool…very friendly and  quite down to earth…again they seem very pleased with how things are progressing.

If Jim’s blood tests show a little more improvement, we get to go home tomorrow.   I will click my mocassins 3 times…”no place like home, there is no place like home”

Our current bill of the hospital care is a little over $10,000.   We have been able to cover this expense thus far.  Miracles happen!

The Doctors advise further chemotherapy treatments.  Of course, that is not in our future.   I am designing a personalized protocol for Jimi that will include Ozone Insufflation, Chaga,  Essiac, Black Salve, part Budwig, part Gerson Therapy and Brown’s Gas Hydrogen Peroxide Breathing Therapy.    We will be on top of doing blood panels, glucose testing, urine testing and my live blood microscope testing.   Jim will be drinking specialty green juices and eating once again from our gardens.    Our dear local friend, Ricard, is collecting herbs from the Podocarpus that are known as great healers.     We have a lot of work to do and I am delighted to do so!  

Oh, and we will be planting and eating lots of purple carrots!!!!    When Jimi first came out of surgery, he was excited to tell me we had to grow them…they have a good vibration…and we all need them.   I am following his advice…purple Carrots it is!

Many, many thanks for everyone’s support.    We are over the hump and now diving into the work of healing so we never, ever come back to this point again.   I feel it was an initiation … and now we are charged to take the gained wisdom and apply it.

Here’s to purple carrots!  I think everyone should plant some purple carrots.  There is something to this!  ๐Ÿ™‚

January 4th, 2021

Hi Everyone!  Good News!

I am most humbled, happy and relieved to report that Jim is out of surgery.   I am sitting with him now and he is sleeping peacefully.   

He was awake when I first saw him.   It was a crazy beautiful experience to meet him on the other side.  He was full of interesting stories telling me that “we” have been here before..this was our second chance.   He told me we have to start growing certain plants for their healing energies.    He excitedly told me he saw my daddy (who recently passed) and Ruchel, his late wife.  It was actually very exciting.

There were complications in the surgery as other tumors (small) were found and removed but the surgeons did a fantastic job.   I feel that with a lot of love, care and healing protocols,  Jimi will be back better than before…new and improved.   I feel he does have more work to do in this world…as I do with him.

I don’t have the words to express my gratitude right now…words can’t express it.  I know what was/is happening is a potent portal door and we have just opened it.   May the rest of our lives, together, be in service to what is good, noble and needed.   

I know Jim is now a changed man…and me a changed woman by his side.
Deepest respect to you all!   We are all in this together!

January 3, 2020

Hello Friends,

Well, tomorrow is surgery.  Jimi enters at 9 am for an anticipated 3 hour surgery.   This will go ahead regardless of the kidney’s function and it does have its’ risks.  But that mass (tumor) has to go!   

Today he needs another dialysis to help (cleanse/nourish) his kidneys in preparation.   The tumor is growing fast…daily and aggressively.   Everything Jimi does is “big”… he proved himself again. 

This morning, the doctors also confirmed a blood clot in Jimi’s right leg.  He is very lucky it never dislodged.  This will be dealt with too.

There are ups and downs within this reality and I am holding and constructively moving the stress for both of us.   I desire Jimi to be peaceful.   Last night, we had a very intimate talk that allowed us both to be in a calm acceptance of the outcome.  I see a soft and gentle Jimi that I so love.

The love that is being sent to Jimi (and me) is cracking through with potent force.  Neither of us have ever experienced this flood of deep love and awakening.   It provides hope and it initiates us to walk a deeper living walk.

I am grateful to be at Jim’s side surrounded by such an amazing, powerful force the you are all a part of!   The circle of family and friends rising above this corrupt and evil world.   Thank you and thank you God!

January 2, 2021

Today’s news!

Jimi is okay…tired, wanting to get out and frustrated at his situation but determined to get through this.   Actually, he is not okay and we can’t wait to get this over with.

The 4 dialysis treatments have made a small in improvement.  His Creatinine levels have reduced to 5 from 11.   This is the waste that body releases in urine.   The doctors (and me) want to see a 3.   His body is in an edema state.  So, tomorrow, poor Jimi has to go for another dialysis treatment (#5).    Fingers crossed!

We are still on track for surgery on Monday.   It is a risk as the Tumor of the Prostate is as large as the bladder and blocking the right kidney function almost completely.    So, the tumor must come out regardless!     

We are both having waves of hope and feeling the love that holds up the hope. 

We have eliminated the hospital food and I am encouraging Jim to eat the goodness that he always loved.  It is hard for him to eat due to the tumor..nothing is passing through his channels very well.   OPEN JIMI OPEN is my new mantra!

Friends have sent care packages…we have a Himalayan Salt Lamp, essential oils, massage oils, tea kettle, palo santos sticks.  I have rearranged the room to be more comfortable for us.  The nurses must think we are strange hippies from another world.  It is not home, for sure..but our little space in the here and now.

Thank you all…we still have some ways to go…but the circle of love that is coming at us beyond amazing.     We intend to carry this forth in our lives…for the service of human kinds.   

It is giving that creates the opportunity to receive…but you only “take” when you need as it will have a systems failure.   This seems to us to be  in alignment with Nature…and alignment with a Natural order or way.   Perhaps a philosophy lost in the our modern world, but remains as a core truth regardless.  


Here is Jimi’s smile..that so many love!

January 1, 2021

Let’s get 2020 behind us!   

Jimi says “we are still working at it” and he is!. 

Both of us ask “how did we get here?” and, here we are!  It is a lesson in being present no matter what is going on.   A nudge to awaken the flow that allow more love to flow!  

He is scheduled for his fourth Dialysis treatment today that are a little grueling…3 hours of a machine taking, cleaning, returning the blood.   They are adding one more treatment to the original prescription of three as his kidneys are not respond as fast as we would  like.   But, there is some slight improvement and that presents us with some hope and positive anticipation. 

And, he is receiving many foot massages…from me, not the nurses.

Love today…and love more!

May the blessings of well-being be with you and thank you.

Here is a photo of Jim and I in a past life time…we came back to do it again.  ๐Ÿ™‚


December 31, 2020

Today’s Mantra  “Flow, Jimi, Flow”

Jim has completed 2 dialysis treatments that are rather grueling for him as he needs to be still for 3 hours and the treatments remove and clean the portals of blood throughout his whole body.    So, the medications to help the pain are removed too.  But, he is a trooper and meditates his way through.

There is a little more flow in the catheter bag but it still contains much blood and pus.   I sit and watch it…flow, jimi, flow!

The  kidneys  are emotional/spiritual body parts working to remove impurities and negativity from the body.   The 

will hold water to protect that traumas (emotional and psychological) as part of the healing response – the body will retain water so it does not perish โ€“ an age old survival mechanism where water is held to protect.   

Please join me in the prayer “Flow Jimi FLOW!”   

Jimi will receive another dialysis treatment today!   He knows he is loved…and that is important for this healing.   

I just asked him if he would to share with you all…”a thousand, million thank yous”


 December 30, 2020

Jimmi is touched…feeling loved.  He is a tough guy, but his tears are soft.  His smile though…it is special

He received the first dialysis treatment last night and said it was like getting an oil change.    His engine still needs some TLC.  The kidneys have not yet come back…but there is a little trickle (urine in the catheter) so it is hopeful.  He will have more treatments today (2)..the doctors just came to check on him.   If this works, he can have the surgery to remove the mass.  

Leisha Y Jimi

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