Helicobacter Plyori
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a very common bacteria. In my work, I see signs and symptoms of it alot. It is estimated that 50% or more of the world’s population are infected with this bacteria and most people don’t know it. This means they are asymptomatic. This critter grows…
Liver Lovers – and for those who don’t too!
Liver is a nutrient-dense food. This means that it contains a wide variety of nutrients packed into a small amount of food. A true superfood! I can’t stress this enough! This recipe is a mainstay in most of my protocols because it works. It combines the amazing benefits of liver…
Protected: Is it Gas or Heart? (tummy protocol of the bitters)
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Eat Your Colours
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] When you link the sense of smell and taste to the sense of sight, you begin to see an underlying magic. The vast spectrum of natural colour in food is astounding! And, colour also happens to be a very useful indicator (and constant reminder) of the many…
Dry Fasting
During dry fasting old body water is replaced by live body water of higher quality that is synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information that entered our body is deleted. This is one of the major healing mechanisms of dry fasting. Interviewed by Aleksandar Gerc (magazine “Letters to…