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Real Food or a Pill?

About 80% of clients initially report taking a daily vitamin or mineral supplementation. When I announce that I’d rather they find nutrition in real foods, most clients raise an eyebrow with “Really, but that is hard work!”.   In my opinion, anything short of the whole plant always, guaranteed, misses the mark. When did humans stop relying upon Nature to provide our nutrition? How can we assume the incredible, creative force of Nature is less than a man-made pill? It absolutely baffles me!

Clients will often tell me that they experience an increase in energy and an apparent and sometimes quick relief from health challenges due to their supplementation. So, this topic can be very confusing. I will suggest that although there appears to be relief, most often what one is occuring is a shift of symptoms, satiation and/or compromised nutrition. It is not a true healing, homeostatis or the peace of true health. Getting rid of symptoms does not necessarily translate to true health (and happiness). It often means one is trading in one set of symptoms for another and they not addressing the underlying cause.

Nutrition, despite our technological advances, is actually still a very young science. We can not, not do I think should we try to duplicate the brillant, balance of nutrients found in whole, fresh plants. It is estimated that we may only be aware of 10% of the nutrients and phytonutrients (plant) in nature. Wow! We have a lot to learn. Nature packages nutrients in a precise combination that work together as cofactors. How can removing the cofactors through extraction and refining produce less than optimal results? In my opinion it can’t. It is a fragmented approach and we are not addressing why our body is lacking the nutrient in the first place.

For example, most women over 50 are concerned about calcium levels. And, as such, seek supplementation. They do not consider the foods or habits that create a loss or interference of calcium or calcium uptake. They often do not consider possible adverse effects of taking too much calcium or the bioavailabilty of one form of calcium over another. However, more importantly, they do not question taking a mineral in an isolated form. Calcium in nature comes “packaged” in a perfect blend. How can humans intelligently claim that a specific nutrient is the answer? We can’t!

Health educator T.C.Fry said “many drugs, diets, and supplements are sold with a admonition to “consult your physician” before consuming them. But is there is value in looking inot the medical profession for nutritional advice?” I find this statement ammusing and troubling. It was only in 2004 that it became mandatory for US medical schools to have a single course on nutrition. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that challenged doctors against their patiencts in a test of basic nutrition. The patients won! (source: Micehal Gregor, Atkins facts). We have to educate ourselves further. This is the only way we will find true healing.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the elements of nature and to understand that we can not duplicate or even come close to the healing power of whole, organic, raw foods. At this point in history when most diseases stem from the realization we are eating ourselves to death, this topic is very, very important to the health and well-being of mankind. We are at a critical and important time in human history. I think it is time we all started to love ourselves in a great capacity and nourish our bodies with foods that love us back. Let’s embrace “Biophillia” – the love of nature!

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