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Full Spectrum Parasite Cleanse and Microbiome Aid

Full Spectrum Parasite Cleanse and Microbiome Aid

Ever wonder how our ancestors fared without personal medicine cabinets to ease every ailment? While the centuries leading up to our current era were filled with their own set of challenges and many practices were quite different, I beleive they had healthier guts and microbiomes than most of us do today.   The advent of our processed and non-organic, GMO foods and the destruction of our soil microbiology has created an environment for many parasites, pathogens, anaerobic bacterias and destruction overload of fungi…and our terrain (soil within) mirrors this situation.

You see, each person has their own unique microbiome, which houses nearly 100 trillion bacteria.  We are full of bugs.   They outnumber our human cells by a factor of around 10 to 1.  Knowing this really puts a twist on the germ theory!  Being mostly composed of bacteria might sound a little odd, but that’s just because many people only think of bacteria as germs that can make us sick. However, that’s actually not the case at all….if our microbiome and terrain is healthy they keep us well, healthy and happy (gut – brain connection).

Our body is comprised of all kinds of bacteria that have different jobs within your body, and most of them are probiotics that serve a beneficial purpose—they can help your body produce vitamins, help you absorb nutrients from your food, and even support your mood. Probiotic bacteria can also serve as placeholders, taking up room by colonizing within your digestive tract so that other bacteria can’t settle in, multiply, and create chaos for your system.  There is evidence now that they control over 75% and more of our immune system and turn on fat reducing genes.

In the work I do (live and dried blood analysis combined with iridology) I adhere to the pleomorphic theory that states that disease or parasites are caused by variations in the host’s internal milieu, or “terrain”.  Terrain literally means “life”.   The microbes in our body respond by changing form in order to survive.  They connect, react, morph and meld.  According to this theory, the vitality of the host (you) is the principal factor.  When the microbiome is unhealthy (caused by antibiotics, poor diet, sugar, Mercury amalgams, and not enough fibre), our GI tract actually becomes anaerobic (lacking oxygen)   The anaerobic condition wipes out the good guys (bugs). because they actually do break down nutrients, minerals and help us uptake our nutrition.  They release hormones and exudates that keep us healthy.   When natural balance is not present, the bad guys are welcomed in or start to proliferate.   As they do, they excrete their own acids.  This is called Leaky Gut as the tissues (inner skin) is weakened.    It really is no different to how we should be treating our soils…even permacutlure techniques that do not consider the microbiome is destructive.

It is important to have a balanced, nourished and healthy terrain.  When you have pathogens and parasites, it is because the body’s terrain is likeable to them.   The development process actually causes a leaky gut as the tissues are weakened by their presences.   The micro-organims multiply, excrete toxic waste and invade the venous wall.   Their deposits (poop) is acidifying.  In other words, it is not the organisms that make you sick, it is the waste products of the metabolism of those organisms that make you sick.   The changes in the internal environment made the “terrain” become attractive and hospitable to different types of other invading organisms: a weak host not only “invited” invading organisms to take up residence, but actually cultured them, inducing their changes into pathological forms.   This is why we often see an over growth of candida (a gut flora fungus) with parasites.

A strong and vital terrain, on the other hand, is inhospitable and would keep pathological organisms and disease at bay. This is the pleomorphic terrain theory of disease.

I set out to create a parasite cleanse but also wanted to support the microbiome.   I see a lot of parasites and parasite markers in the live blood.   So, why not aim at all possible pathogens at the same time.   I wanted to create a protocol that would address the worms, the protozoa and the flukes and change the internal environment.    I wanted it to work for children, adults and even be used as a preventative (dosge adjustment).  Here is what I arrive at:

Three Part Parasite Cleanse and Microbiome Protocol

Part One is a cacao ball
Part Two is a Herbal Gelatin
Part Three is a full spectrum probiotic made naturally

However, there are many of us infected with parasites and cleansing the body of parasites always has a profound effect on restoring health successfully.   Factors for us to be aware of that create disturbances in the Pleomorphic chain of states include:

  1. Low blood oxygen and cell vitality (arising from any variety of reasons)
  2. Ongoing imbalances in PH;  An imbalance in blood sugar
  3. Overgrowth of bowel-based Fungi (ie: the Candida);
  4. Emotional trauma

There are hundreds of known parasites that inhabit the human body.   I see many in the live blood and always follow up with a stool sample test.  One day soon I intend to do this in my practice.   There are many bacterias and fungi that are symbiotic in nature.   But, they can be pathogenic too.

In the medical world, they are classified into two main groups of parasites that can cause diseases: protozoa and helminths.  Sometimes, people affected are asymptomatic – meaning they have no symptoms.   But, that doesn’t means they should be ignored because they will raise up when stress or immune situations are happening. At the end of this article the types of parasites I have researched for the cleanse I created.

I strongly recommend doing a Baking Soda Protocol with this cleanse with some considerations.  While it is important to alkalinize the body, you do not want to alkalinize the stomach.   Doing so would result in nutritional deficiencies of iron, B12 and other nutrients (such as the fat soluble vitamins)  

The protocol is: 1/2 to 1 tsp of baking soda in lime juice (or ACV, between meals and before bed, i.e. three times a day.

The important thing is to take it on an empty stomach, so it can suck out the excess “deposit acid” from the acid producing cells lining the stomach (thereby generating more bicarbonate which goes into the blood stream) and not interfere with the acid that is needed at the times of eating. One needs acid in the stomach to digest food obviously so the baking soda should not be taken around meal times.  If you eat breakfast at 8:00 A.M. and lunch at noon then you would take the first dose of Base Powder at 10:00 A.M., the same between lunch and dinner. It is best to sip it even, so it can suck out acid from the stomach over a longer time, not all at once as with one big gulp. If there isn’t time to sip it, just drink it anyway. This, done consistently, over time, is what makes the difference.  It is best not to eat before you retire at night. If you don’t eat before bed time then you can take 1/2 to 1 tsp. of Base Powder before bed also. If you do eat before bed then you would not take the Base Powder that night.

First thing in the morning, drink one large 12 oz glass of lemon or lime water (or apple cider vinegar).  This squeezes the liver and gets the system read for the herbs and food in the cleanse.

PART ONE Cacao ball ingredients  – To be eaten 1/2 hour after the Lemon water on an empty stomach

Part Two Herbal Gelatin – To be taken at night before bed.  It would be beneficial to also take 1 tsp pysillium husks (that act like a broom cleaning the GI tract.


Part Three
Natural and Homemade Probiotic – 1 tsp to be taken before each meal

Probiotics provide a boost to the naturally-occurring beneficial bacteria that live inside your body’s digestive tract.   I recommend also eating 1/2 cup of Resistant Starch (potato sale, cool rice or quinoa salad, plantain chips) during this cleanse as it feeds the good bug guys.

My blend is fermented fruits and blended with Pickle Juice, ginger and cinnamon infused kefir, cabbage juice, Spirulina and Nutritional Yeast.Fermented Fruits: grapes, kiwi, banana, pineapple, papaya, grapefruit skin

This is not a commercial strain.  I  do it wild!   I allow the wild microbes that nature provides to do the fermenting.  While I can’t say precisely which microorganisms are working in each product, I can name some of the most common types of probiotics, most of which are likely to be in the mix.
MORE ON this blend here

The following types of probiotics are our friends; in fact, they are essential to our health, they protect us from disease, they enhance our nutrition, and they turn ordinary vegetables into fabulously tasty fermented superfoods.

  1. Bifidobacterium bifidum. This microbe is found in the stomach and intestinal tract. It shows promise in suppressing infection in the stomach of Helicobacter pylori, the pathogen that causes stomach ulcers. Several studies show that it helps lower and contain the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It’s typically found in sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles.
  2. Bifidobacterium lactis. This gut bacteria’s role as a probiotic has been well studied and its chief benefit to the human body is its ability to modulate and strengthen the immune system. It’s found in fermented vegetables such as wildbrine’s sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickled veggies, as well as in yogurt.
  3. Bifidobacterium longum. This bacterium has a positive effect on the mix of other probiotics in the intestines, causing a significant increase in the amount of biotin (vitamin B7) produced. Biotin helps the body turn food into energy. The bacteria are common in fermented vegetables.
  4. Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is the beneficial workhorse bacterium that ferments wildbrine’s line of probiotic-laden vegetables. It may prevent diarrhea, minimize symptoms of IBS, help lower cholesterol, and support vaginal health. It contributes greatly to the healthy ecology of the gut microbiome.
  5. Lactobacillus casei and L. rhamnosus. These closely related probiotics are among the most widely researched species of lactobacillae that likely occur in the brine of vegetable products. They have been shown to prevent or treat diseases and disturbances to the gut biome, stabilizing and strengthening it.
  6. Lactobacillus reuteri. Get to know this one-celled friend, for it’s an all-around healer. In humans, it’s found in the gut microbiome, urinary tract, on the skin, and in breast milk. It produces antimicrobial substances that inhibit disease-causing germs and remodels the gut bacteria mix to increase human health. It can reduce inflammatory agents while promoting T-cell formation. (T-cells are immune cells that protect the body from diseases and cancer.) L. reuteri also strengthens the intestinal wall, preventing leaky gut syndrome and its impact on inflammatory disease throughout the body.
  7. Lactobacillus salivarius. L. salivarius is one of the lactic acid bacillae that occurs in the fermentation of vegetables and it helps improve oral health by suppressing gum disease, reducing dental caries, and checking halitosis. It also confers health benefits to the intestinal tract.
  8. Streptococcus thermophilus. This friendly bacterium produces lactase enzyme that helps people digest milk more efficiently. It also decreases ulcerative colitis symptoms, decreases leaky gut symptoms that cause inflammation throughout the body, decreases IBS symptoms, enhances the immune system, prevents and fights pneumonia, fights Clostridium difficile (a particularly nasty intestinal disease), and has many other health benefits.These are just a handful of the most important probiotics that may be found in my brine. There are hundreds more.
  9. I add Spirulina and Brewer’s Yeast too!

Supportive treatments – Adjuncts

Milk thistle is a good supplement for liver cleansing and support.
Add a beetroot juice 2-3 times a week, if you’re not diabetic can also be beneficial

When there is a parasite infection, most likely there are yeasts as well.  Adding more diatomaceous earth to your detox program takes you a long way.   I suggest this be taken with the pysillium husks at night.

Here are some other things you can do during this cleanse to really throw the bad bugs out….

This natural parasite cleanse recipe has existed for years and years even before some of the well known medicines today were even invented.  The spicy jalapeno pepper is a great ingredient for a parasite cleanse recipe simply because it’s hot – yes, literally hot.  Now while this may not be favored by some people, the heat coming from jalapeno peppers is something that makes those spiteful parasites uncomfortable, forcing them to vacate your intestines.  It is also wonderful for the cardiovascular system and encourages Agni (the digestive fire)

When digested, the substance found in jalapeno peppers work by killing any kind of bacteria and parasites that have taken residence in your intestinal tracts.

To create your parasite cleanse recipe, simply chop 2-3 pieces of jalapeno peppers into little pieces.  For those who cannot tolerate the spicy effect of these potent tiny peppers, you can mix it with anything that has high fat content to tone down the burning effect you get.

For example, you can create a mixture of chopped jalapeno peppers and a few tablespoons of mashed avocado.  You can also make use of yogurt sprinkled with chopped jalapeno peppers.  Either way, those potent peppers will get those parasites out of your system in no time!

Ginger/Lemon Tea
Don’t you just love the combination of lemon and ginger on your sore-throat days?  This duo is an excellent remedy for curing illnesses such as colds and sore throats.  What else can this powerful duo do?  Well, they are also a perfect pair for a parasite cleanse recipe.

Ginger and lemon are high in antioxidant and antibacterial properties that fight against a variety of parasites that reside in your intestines.  Usually, honey is added to ginger and lemon to complete your treatment for the common cold; however, for a parasite cleanse recipe, you can omit the honey and just add a dash of cayenne pepper instead.

Your recipe can be accomplished by peeling and slicing the ginger into thin strips.  When done, add the ginger to a teapot of hot water and leave it there for about 10 minutes or so.  You can leave it longer if you want to maximize the flavor you can get from the ginger.  Add 2-3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a small amount of cayenne pepper.  Drink this on a daily basis to cure your common cold and kill those parasites.

Cucumber Cleanse
This recipe is perfect to start your day and keep you energized throughout the rest of the day.  Moreover, this recipe is a combination of amazing natural ingredients that are powerful and safe parasite cleansers.  Cucumber, green apple, lemon, and cilantro are packed with nutrients that keep you and your intestines in a clean and healthy state.

Prepare your parasite cleanse recipe by peeling 1 whole cucumber, 1 green apple, and half a lemon.  Throw them in your blender and add a handful of cilantro to balance the flavor.  The apple helps break toxins down, the cucumber helps in waste and parasite removal, cilantro is a good source of antioxidants, and the lemon helps complete your recipe.

Dilute the blended ingredients with equal parts of water.  Mix well and drink up to get you up and running while you get rid of those parasites within.

Let’s Get rid of the bad guys and increase the good guys!!!!

Email or contact me if you are interested in the protocol!

This cleanse is aimed at the following parasites:

  • Protozoa are single-celled microorganisms that may not be visible to the naked eye. The most common protozoans that infect a human body are: Giardia intestinalis, entaboeba hystolytica, cyclospora cayetanenensis, cryptosporidium spp, and blastocystis hominis. The disorders caused by these parasites are often named after them.
  • Helminths are larger and typically big enough and can be seen with the human eye in their adult stage. The most common helminths that inhabit the human gut, briefly, are:
  • Roundworms: This parasite can lay up to over 200,000 eggs a day and can grow up to 15 feet long. Because of their size, this type of parasite can cause blockages in the intestinal tract, penetrate the intestinal wall, cause hemorrhages, appendicitis, peritonitis, abscesses in the liver and pancreatitis.
  • Hookworms: The larvae of this parasite can penetrate the skin. Young worms can burrow through intestinal wall and feed on your blood, causing iron deficiency and other nutrient deficiencies. Adult hookworms can sap the host’s strength and energy and destroy their overall wellbeing.
  • Tapeworms: This parasite can grow up to 35 feet long and live more than 10 years inside a person’s intestines. They can lay up to one million eggs per day!
  • Pinworms: A female pinworm often crawls out of the anus and lays about 15,000 eggs a day. The eggs can survive outside the body and once airborne, they can survive for about two days in its surrounding. Hosts may often experience itchiness in the anus or vagina, suffer from digestive disorders, insomnia and irritability.
  • Whipworms: This 1-2 inches long worm can penetrate the intestinal wall and cause bacterial infections, blood in stools, pain in lower abdomen, rectal prolapse, anemia and hemorrhages.
  • Flatworms: Flatworms (a.k.a. fluke) can grow up to 3 inches long. They deplete nutrients from an organ, and then move on to other organs in the body via the blood stream and lymphatic system. They can cause severe diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, bladder, liver and the blood.
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