(Disclaimer: If it is suspected you have a Sulphur or Mercury (heavy metal for that matter) intoxication, please DO NOT use MSM. It can be very dangerous! Persons with kidney problems or recurrent kidney stones may not want to take MSM. Certain renal tubular defects can make a person susceptible to recurrent kidney stones. Other kidney defects include errors of metabolism in which processing of sulphur amino acids is altered . Again, such persons may wish to avoid MSM)
Within this earth’s water cycle is a special little mineral called MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) that evaporates from the ocean water to display as the “whiteness” in the clouds. This white compound rains down to earth and penetrates into all living things. The earthly journey of MSM is a beautiful amplification of its function and ability inside the human body Just as it penetrates the earthly living structures, MSM also provides the permeability for the internal cells the human body allowing for the penetration of goodness in and toxins out. Not actually a superfood, it’s powers are just as magical.
Quite simply, MSM is probably the most significant discovery since Vitamin C. It’s pretty much a miracle substance. It’s good for preventing muscle aches and sprains, general health, and a whole lot more:
MSM is an organic form of sulfur and it is as pure as spring water. It is apparently the only form of sulfur the body can assimilate. (Why garlic is so healthy: Its high sulfur content.) Sulfur is a component of bones, teeth and collagen (connective tissue). Collagen can’t be made in the body unless sulfur is present, so this means your joint cartilage can’t be repaired without sulfur. Sulfur is the 4th most plentiful mineral in the body, and so essential to life that it is found in every cell of virtually every animal and plant
So, taking an MSM is like getting back to a healthy raw foods diet.
As MSM is present in the water cycle, it should be present in all the produce we consume, unless of course the produce is grown in greenhouses. In fact, if you water your garden with rainwater, MSM will be present in the produce of your garden. If you water your garden with water from only your faucet, then no MSM will be present in your produce. However, it is easily destroyed by any heat, or processing of foods or water treatment plants. Therefore finding MSM in our readily available foods is getting harder to do. But when it is present, it is readily absorbed and utilized by our bodies.
MSM is like an escort in the human body that promotes beautification. Our bodies are constantly making new cells to replace old cells. In fact, the trillions of cells in our body are replaced entirely every 7 years. As new cells are created, the MSM is incorporated into the polypeptide bonds that make up the cells walls. The result is the creation of cell walls that are far more permeable to nutrients and goodness. It is like comparing a piece of tightly wound nylon material to a loose cheesecloth. Cells walls without MSM will be very impermeable to nutrients while cells walls with adequate MSM will be very permeable to nutrients. Obviously, permeable cells have a far great opportunity to move nutrients in and toxins out with greater ease. With more goodness escorted in and more badness thrown out, the cells are softer, kinder, happier and more at ease with their function.
When our diet lacks MSM, the cells become rigid and lose the ability to flex back. Stiff and inflexible cells are associated with aging. It is the sulfur within MSM is responsible for the flexibility and elasticity of skin. Based on this information, MSM has been used to enhance skin wellness, improve scar formation and to assist in skin health in teens prone to acne. It softens leathery internal tissues by rebuilding connective tissue with elastic sulfur bonds. This is how MSM lives up to its reputation of building collagen and maintaining healthy joints. This is also why MSM increases flexibility and helps relieve arthritis and other joint and muscle pain and is excellent for recovery from injuries.
Why take MSM?
It’s used in the formation of collagen — the “lattice” framework the cells fit in. Because of that, it’s required in large quantities. It’s a “macro mineral”, not a trace mineral. (Vitamin C is a “macro vitamin”, for the same reason.)
It creates the flexible bonds between cells, instead of the stiff cross-linked bonds.
That means it’s good for flexibility and prevents wrinkles.
I suspect that also helps ameliorate age-induced near-sightedness, which is essentially a stiffening of the cornea over time.
It’s very helpful for arthritis.
It produces strong, healthy nails, hair, and skin.
It promotes healing with flexible tissue. (Otherwise, scar tissue forms, which tears rather than stretches — the typical cause of re-injury.)
On the surface, wounds heal with healthy skin instead of scar tissue. Inside, muscles and tendons heal with flexible tissue instead of easily torn scar tissue.
Because recovery from a workout is essentially a building process, MSM users report “no soreness after workouts”.
How good is it? They’ve been giving it to multi-million dollar racehorses for decades to prevent sore legs and promote muscle recovery.
MSM is also an antioxidant, and it helps flush toxins.
Because the toxin flushing occurs through the skin via sweat, it’s good for the liver. (Reduces strain on the liver, promotes healing.)
Apparently, it “paints” the insides of your stomach and intestines, in such a way that it effectively prevents food allergies.
Sulfur is also a major part of insulin. So MSM improves energy levels.
I’m not sure if it’s due to its insulin activity or to its intestinal activity, but MSM appears reduce sweet tooth cravings. Could be that it is promoting the good intestinal flora. (Sugar promotes the bad ones.)
Probably because it heals the mylein sheaths around the nerves, it promotes inner calm. (Alcohol wears away those nerve coverings which produces, quite literally, “raw nerves”, irritability, anxiety, and anger.)
Perhaps more importantly, MSM is the escort for many nutrients. Co-enzyme Q10 locks with MSM, which means that in order for the body to fully utilize this nutrient, it must have MSM with it. Pantothenic acid, Vitamins A, D, and E, inter-enzymes, amino acids, selenium, calcium, germanium, collagnol and dismuzyme are just some of the things we know the body does not utilize properly unless it has MSM as an escort. A lot of the vitamins we take go through the body without being fully used. With more MSM in the body, vitamins can be utilized more effectively and therefore become much more beneficial.
There is a joke that North Americans have the most expensive urine in the world because of all the vitamins that go down the drain. Vitamin C does a lot of healing by itself, but without MSM to lock with, it doesn’t toughen capillary walls. When MSM is added to the diet and taken with Vitamin C, chronic nosebleeds, easy bruising and varicose veins may be relieved. Vitamin C and MSM work synergistically together.. Without enough MSM, the body can’t do its job properly.
The MSM source as a powdered form is often lignin from pine trees. Lignin is a molecule in plants that is part of a plant’s cell wall. Lignin oxidation in oak wine barrels results in the vanilla flavors of wines. The pine tree lignin is an ideal source.
MSM is both safe and effective but every body is different, so you would need to find what dosage works for you. One thousand (approximately 2 tsp) to four thousand milligrams per day is a typical dosage range, but some people take well above that amount. It is best to start with one thousand mg and work your way up. As MSM does detox the body, watch for signs of rash, sweating or headaches. It may mean you are detoxing too quickly. If this happens, reduce the dose and wait one week before increasing it again.
If you are taking MSM in powder, here is the proper way to consume MSM, to avoid the bitter taste. Take a large spoonful of the bulk MSM and place it on the tip of your tongue. Now quickly consume a large amount liquid. Water can be used and is how I consumed bulk MSM. However juices will mask any small taste, especially Cranberry Juice. MSM, when place on the tip of your tongue is tasteless. It is when it dissolves that the taste is so very bitter. Consuming MSM in this manner will allow nearly all of the MSM to dissolve in your stomach, far on the other side of your taste buds! Some of the excess MSM you consume will flush out of your body in about 12 hours, taking with it many toxins. (Therefore supplementation with MSM should be repeated both morning and again in the evening.)
On the minus side, taking MSM does seem to promote indigestion, even though the long term affect should be help prevent it! It’s sort of like exercise. It may hurt, but it makes you stronger. The thing is, if it hurts too much, it’s because you’re doing more damage than you can handle. So watch how you feel, and build up to the amount you need. (If you have problems, cut the amount in half. Keep cutting until you don’t have problems. Then build up by adding 10% a week until you’re where you want to be.)
MSM can be taken in capsule avoid the bitter taste, but capsules are much more expensive and as you increase your dose, you may find it that you have to take too many pills. Many people who have unsuccessfully tried MSM were not taking enough MSM.
Finally, you can also use MSM in your bathwater and it will leave your skin getting smoother and smoother — and even help eliminate minor rashes, infections and skin conditions. Use about 1 cup full of MSM in a full bathtub for a long soaking (20 minutes) bath — and don’t worry about getting it in your eyes or mouth. No problem. I have also add MSM to my hot tub.
From the cell walls of pine trees to the cells of the human body, a good MSM can contribute to good health and help beautify you from the inside out.