Leisha & Jimi
Jimi (James Royer) passed away January 26, 2021. He gifted us with the Purple Carrot Club and all that it encompasses. This story as told by me, Leisha, is about the morphing of the Club its’ past, present and future.
The Purple Carrot Club’s story
The Journey and Formation
Jimi’s illness was un-known for a long time but we both knew something was up. It showed it’s ugly head a few times along our journey but we kept it at bay…not really knowing “it” was slivering its’ evil tentacles deeper and deeper. On that pathway, we share a very intimate experience of ups and downs, ins and outs and swirling around occasions.
I share these stories as a means to express our human-ness and beat the evil that is around us and sometimes in us.
This is our story from January 26 onward. This is the day Jimi was taken from our space. I will share about the past with a worthy intention of being honest, caring and compassionate, but it isn’t always going to be pretty. This blog isn’t pretending to be love and light. It is the truth at least as I see it and experienced it. It will just be as I experienced it. The intention is to plant seeds, connect at the core levels of our experiences and not pretend our experience was easy. it is to share possibilities, where we failed and succeed and how everything happening to each one of us is intimately threaded.
Jimi was much loved by man. He was admired and honored. He was also respected. And, he was known as grumpy Jimi. He could be harsh, difficult and stubborn. He said he was just brutally honest and maybe so. He was a “man’s man” though and didn’t quite the softer sides of our beings.
Jimi taught me a lot and he continues to do so. This is a snap-shot of our times together and our time now apart. I hear him saying “you go girl”..shine on!